For this assignment, our main goal was to play with time and space by creating different portals that create a sort of surreal atmosphere. My main production job was to write and direct the film. While storyboarding, we decided to do a slow chase rather than something stereotypical which is why I came up with the idea to chase an object rather than a person. I though it would be interesting for two characters to chase the same ball and to meet at the final scene. Together with Daniel, we arranged the shots and Daniel filmed them. We had also decided to have two different songs that contrast eachother. Although we had different songs, they had the same impact to the interpretation of the storyline by beginning relatively up beat and jazzy and ending on a more intense note with the classical music to alter the atmosphere.

The main difficulty we came across while shooting was control of the lighting. We began shooting right before sunset so some shots had beautiful, soft lighting however as the sun set, the colors didn’t balance out with the light leaving some shots more exposed than others. Due to limit time editing, I wasn’t able to properly color correct each shot however, I don’t think this strongly interferes with the power of the film.

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